Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Kynlee's invite

front of invite

back of invite

Paula, Drew, & Baby Reese

Baby Reese is due at the end of January and I'm so excited to meet her! Her mommy and I were great friends all throughout high school. 

Sydney & Evelyn

I got the pleasure of photographing these 2 cuties yesterday. Miss Sydney will be 2 weeks on friday and her cousin Evelyn is 5 months old. Sydney's family got two great gifts this Christmas. Her daddy came home from Afghanistan only a few hours before she decided to make her debut! :)

Evelyn was born 3 months early weighing 2lbs 10oz. She had to stay in the hospital for 74 days. She is now 5 months old and such a doll. The picture below was taken by her mom when she was only 6 hours old! God answers prayers! :)

Mr Ethyn

Ethyn came about 4 weeks early and at 2 weeks old, he still only weighs a little over 5lbs. He has a full head of hair though. He was such a sweetheart. More images to come!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Mr. Caymen

This little guy was such a cutie! He was a couple weeks old when I photographed him but he still curled up nicely! :)